
Salvation Gets Cheap,Revolution Now (The New York Times)
Harvard’s Role in Stap Stem Cell Debacle (Knoephler Lab Stem Cell Blog)Tokyo’s nuclear brawl is about the economy,too (Bloomberg News)Byron Wien Unveils His 10 Surprise Predictions for 2014 (SNBC.Com)
What is Agriturismo (Keep the farmers on the land) (South Italy)
Nuclear Power the dream failed (The Economist)
Is next Japan (The fortune)
Counting On Kei Nishikiori (Deuce Magazine)
Turuga Plant may sit atop active fault (The Japan Times)
Sixth Sense blurs digital and real (BBC News)
Aussie Lifestyle as restaurant owner (The Japan Times)
Japan’s female bosses near last in Asia
Your mind on Magic (The New York Times)
Can money buy happiness (The Reuters)
The inns and outs of my walk into Japan’s past-Nakasendo(The Gardian)
Sponging boomers (The Econmist)
Dog people vs Cat people (ABC news)
Hatsune Miku goes highbrow (The Japan Times)
Japan’Economy-Keynes,trainsand auatomobiles (The Economist)
Risks of using ‘my number’ (The Japan Times)
Abe wats TOEFL to be key exam (The Japan Times)
US.Women on the Rise as Family Breadwinner (The New York Times)
Fervor Fades after Japna’s Latest Plan (The New York Tiems)
‘Kaze Tachimu-The Wind Rises’ (The Japan Times)
What is Nostalgia good for? Quite a bit,Data shows (The New York Times)
Japan must go green (The Japan Times)
Can Toyota save the Electric car? Hydrogen Cars (The Spiegel